How did Niki become a ghost? That’s kind of beside the point… the important thing is, they can’t escape the earthly bounds, and get into The Paradise. 

Niki is trapped here by a curse that can be only lifted by placing the gems in correct places, hence breaking the spell. They get a brief insight into the future at the beginning of each cycle, but if they make a mistake in their gem-wielding efforts, Niki is doomed to start again, and so The Loop continues… 

While Niki’s worst fear is clearly a gap in their short-term memory, it’s not the only danger that they face on their journey. The tiles they’re stepping on are quite fragile - some of them already show signs of wear, and it would probably be wise to avoid them. 

If Niki forgets the details of their previous insight, they can wait a hundred years for another one, but there’s only so much time a cursed soul can spend waiting for Salvation…


Memorise the correct placement of gems and positions of faulty tiles - stepping on them will result in Niki going back to the beginning.

Complete three levels by placing gems of correct colours, on correct tiles.
If you get stuck, you can use Niki's insight ability - but doing so will make them weaker. Use too many insights and Niki will need to go back to the beginning.


- Move by clicking on appropriate tiles with left mouse button. You can move to all neighbouring tiles, also diagonally. You can't move while the correct positions are being displayed.
- Place red gems by pressing the 'r' key.
- Place blue gems by pressing the 'b' key.
- Place green gems by pressing the 'g' key.
- Get insights by pressing the 'i' key.

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